GREAT AT ARTICLE from Local Writer, William Sullivan on Racism
Remembering Why Jackie Robinson Was a Hero
by William Sullivan via American Thinker
My thoughts on the subject –Robin
Racism attacks Freedom and Justice. However, the opposite of racism is not affirmative action which creates a victim class and steals from the innocent as well as the guilty to make restitution. Restitution? Restitution is welcoming all into our schools, and expecting excellence from all according to their varying interests and abilities.
Anyone who views every incident or issue by seeing first the races of the individuals is truly racist. Those who look first for the facts in order to uphold blindfolded justice are NOT racist, but are Americans according to the highest ideals entrenched in our Declaration of Independence. No, the economic interests of men may not have been true to those ideals, but they were set to be incrementally attained.
Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King both dreamt of a time when the playing field would be level and all could endeavor to earn the rewards for their best efforts. I stand with them, and would like to move forward beyond racism back to Justice for All.