Free Markets / Capitalism


Arthur Brooks, American Enterprises Institure

Is Free Enterprise Really Based on Greed? (Video link)

Are free markets fair? (Video)

Does free enterprise hurt the poor? (Video link)

Rep. Paul Ryan on Making the Moral Case for Capitalism (Video link)

Paul Ryan on Saving the American Idea, Heritage Foundation, October 26, 2011

Otteson discusses the moral case for capitalism with Howard Husock (Audio link)

The Moral Foundations of Society – (link to Imprimis article)
by Margaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister, Great Britain

American Heritage Solutions: Restoring a Free Economy
American Heritage Fact Sheet
(2-pg .pdf file)

Free Markets: License to Steal or Instrument to Succeed?
Sources: Walter Williams, Judy Shelton, Brian Hicks
(3-pg .pdf file)

Imprimis: “Whatever Happened to Free Enterprise?
by former President, Ronald Reagan. Imprimis, 8/2004 transcription of Reagan speech given 11/10/1977   (edited 9/30/18)

YouTube audio follows.

Imprimis: Ronald Reagan and the Spirit of Free Enterprise, Imprimis, August 2004, Volume 33, Number 8 by George Gilder, Chairman, Gilder Publishing LLC

America, No Longer the Land of the Free Factsheet, Published on January 20, 2010
(2-pg .pdf file)

Profit versus Nonprofit
Why the Private Sector Wastes Less than the Gov’t,
Walter Williams Article, Published on September 22, 2010

Minimum Wage Cruelty
Summary of 2 Walter Williams articles from  Jewish World Review: Minimum Wage Cruelty, of 4/14/2010  and Minimum Wage Update of 05/26/2010.
(2-pg .pdf file)

Minimum Wage, Maximum Folly
Walter Williams Article, 12/1/10  (added 12/18/10)

The Effects of Minimum Wage by Walter Williams at Heritage Foundation event, published January 18, 2015 by LibertyPen.