2018 Primary Election

KWTP Revokes 2018 Endorsement for Judge Jay Karahan

After interviewing both Candidates for Harris County Court At Law No. 8, our Kingwood TEA Party Vetting Board voted to endorse the incumbent, Judge Jay Karahan. Although we knew Judge Karahan conducted gay weddings, he assured us this was not a primary focus for him, and we took him at his word.

It has since been brought to our attention that he has posted (and edited) an interesting appeal on facebook.

As it appeared when captured:

As it was originally posted:










Even more interesting is what his post originally said, before he reworded it. In the original, Judge Jay Karahan encouraged his “many” democrat friends to cross into our Republican Primary to vote for him, the man they know as a “moderate, rational judge.” He went on to assure them they could still vote for their democrat choices in the General Election.

It is commonly accepted that the Primary will have a rather low turnout, and what Judge Jay Karahan has selfishly proposed is beyond belief to Republican and “ultra far right conservative” activists alike.

Our vetting board has unanimously agreed that Judge Jay Karahan misrepresented both himself and his campaign to us and Kingwood TEA Party hereby withdraws our 2018 endorsement for him. We also found ourselves in the unfortunate position of not having a majority who would endorse his opponent, and so we are officially not making an endorsement in this race.

It should be noted that if Dan Simons’ (Karahan’s  opponent) supporters, are, as Judge Karahan referred to them as, “ultra far right conservatives,” Mr. Simons is most likely far closer to our principles and ideology than is Judge Jay Karahan.