KWTP Freedom Rally with Ted Cruz: Tickets Available!

Starts: September 5, 2014 at 3:00 pm
Ends: September 5, 2014 at 9:00 pm

Tickets for the event itself can be purchased here:

Looking forward to working with all of you to help elect Texas’ Conservative slate in November and to seeing you at our Freedom Rally with Sen. Ted Cruz!



Join KWTP & AFP Texas for a Freedom Rally in Humble, TX

Last year we had 800 people attended the First Annual Kingwood TEA Party Constitution Day Rally and Fundraiser with Ted Cruz, held at the Kingwood Community Center.

This year the the KWTP will be hosting a similar event, but it will be called the Kingwood TEA Party Freedom Rally with Ted Cruz.  It will be held  will be at the Humble Civic Center and we expect around 5,000 people.

The Kingwood TEA Party Freedom Rally on Sept 5 will have an awesome lineup including Sen. Ted Cruz, TX Sen. Dan Patrick, TX Sen. Ken Paxton, Ryan Sitton, Sid Miller, (Hey, that’s the conservative Texas statewide ballot in November!!)  Our own Congressman and conservative hero Rep. Ted Poe is one of our headliners!

Click on poster graphic below for full-sized printable .pdf of the flyer.


Please put a big red circle around Sept 5 for the Kingwood TEA Party Freedom Rally with Ted Cruz

Special Guests:

Sen. Ted Cruz

U.S. Rep. Ted Poe

Sen. Dan Patrick (Lt. Gov. Nominee)

Sen. Ken Paxton (A.G.. Nominee)

Sen. Glen Hegar (TX Comptroller Nominee)

True the Vote Anita Moncrief