
Gov. Greg Abbott Presents the Texas Plan to Restore the Rule of Law

Reflections on Our Government & the Texas Plan by Robin Lennon

Gov. Greg Abbott: Why We Need the Texas Plan

(Excerpt: 1/8/16, TPPF Policy Orientation Keynote), 5 min.

Join us in ending the tyranny of unelected bureaucrats or men in black robes from ever again imposing laws and amendments upon the free men and women of the United States without representation or due process!!!

Read/Download: The Texas Plan to Restore the Rule of Law

Gov. Abbott Presents the Texas Plan for an Article V Convention: 

(Complete speech; 25 min.)

Gov. Abbott Joins Mark Levin about the
Texas Plan for Restoring the Rule of Law

AUDIO ONLY (15 min.)

The fear of a runaway convention is too often touted by the opposition. It is needless when you consider that we have already lost the Republic our Founders fought and died for. Freedom is worth fighting for. I often hear conservatives speak of the genius and prescience of our Founders, yet they FEAR To use the tool the Founders put into the Constitution for just such a day as today.

Answering the ‘Runaway Convention’ Myth by Michael Farris

Thomas Sowell on the Constitution and an Article V Convention, “Messing with the Constitution” – 1/12/16

Can We Rebuild Liberty with Civil Disobedience?

Charles Murrays "By the People BookThe One Disruptive Tactic That Can Recover Our Constitution:
Controversial New Book Has Practical Plan

At the very least, Charles Murray earns every penny of your investment of time and money. And perhaps, he’ll earn your allegiance to a plan that just might work.

Read more at PJ Tatler . KWTP is an Amazon Affiliate. Buy your copy of By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission with no extra charges AND  help support KWTP!

How Gov’t Regulations Began as Corporate Cronyism

Crony Capitalism is NOT Capitalism!

AEI Feb. 2013 Panel: Big Government and Big Food vs. Food Trucks, Foodies, and Farmers Markets – click here.

Earlier this year, KWTP attended a local Chamber Taste of the Town event where I met a couple who made the local areas Farmers Markets circuit. They explained to me how new regulations and fees were forcing them out of the market. They had to purchase expensive equipment they did not need for the produce and home-made soaps and lotions they produced. Then had to pay large fees to all three counties the FMs they attended were in. This was one of those small businesses that used to crop up and grow, hiring more Americans as they did so. But now, regulations and laws passed by our local and state governments at the behest of large dairies and farms intent on pushing little men businesses out of the market were strangling them into bankruptcy.

It is simply un-American and antithetical to the level playing field competition and free market ideology that made this nation great.

The vise is long, and a little boring to those who don’t care about the philosophy and history of current legislation, but given where our country is today, it is something every one of us needs to see. I urge you to follow the link and watch the video of this panel discussion.

And for the record, I have tried to get local media interested in the plight of some of our small farmers and businessmen at our local Farmers Markets to no avail BEFORE I ever found this link.