
Do We Have the WILL to KEEP Our Republic?


VIDEO: Sarah Palin: Inspired… Inspiring…

Sarah Palin Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road To Majority. FULL SPEECH 6/15.2013
Watch this video on YouTube.

A Tradition of Sacrifice, from Yorktown to Ramadi by Leif Babin


This entire article from the WSJ Online is a MUST READ this Memorial Day!

It was not the Declaration of Independence that gave us freedom but the Continental Army. America was born from conflict, delivered by soldiers willing to pay with their blood the tremendous cost of freedom.

The dead did not wish to be martyred. They no doubt longed to return to their homes and families. But they believed in the “glorious cause,” something far greater than themselves. Despite knowing the dangers before them, they followed Gen. Washington into the fray even when victory seemed hopeless and the cause all but lost.

Read the entire article at WSJ online.