KWTP Proudly Supports Bill Frazer for Houston Controller
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Visit Bill’s site for even more reasons to support him!
In the you-tube audio clip below, Professor Daniel Robinson of Oxford explained that Oxford does NOT give much merit for APUSH scores, but highly values the US History credits awarded through the International Baccalaureate program. He also stresses the harm our regressive bias in American History educational standards over the last few decades is causing in our society.
Audio segment of Professor Daniel Robinson, signatory on Historians’ Statement Opposing APUSH Standards:
APUSH Letter and links for audio of Professor Daniel Robinson:
Stanley Kurtz Post on this APUSH Letter:
Michelle Malkin on the APUSH Opposition Letter:
Mark Levin 6/3/15 Rerun Podcast:
Starts at 54:43 to 55:56, but the main portion can be found from 57:47 through 1:03:59
–a commentary by Robin Lennon
The very foundation of the American experiment is to provide the People with a just and free society that grants every citizen due process under law. We hear the term “rule of law” so often most Americans no longer know what it means and why it is liberal and progressive in the truest senses of those words’ meanings. Rule of law does NOT mean that Congress can pass laws for the people, but exempt themselves from it, whether it is Obamacare or insider trading.
Throughout the history of the world after mankind grew beyond the family/tribal/clan models, with just a few notable exceptions, men were ruled by the mightiest who prosper and make laws that perpetuate their rule over the masses. Whether the rulers were monarchs, oligarchies, or tyrants, matter not. The power was always distributed from the top down to the lowliest of the low.
The most ancient exception was the Israelites who were brought out of slavery by a man inspired by their God who gave them rules to live by and a system by which to live. The Ten Commandments and their self-government instituted in Exodus 18 are found in the Jewish Torah. Though the People eventually chose a monarchy instead of self-rule according to God’s principles, Western Civilization eventually found itself clawing a way back toward its roots with a model of government in which all men and women have natural rights which are theirs by birth, not given to them by others at whim.
Time and time again through history, we see the failings of men and women in power. As long as rulers of character and virtue seek the good of the people, all is well. Too often, however, the frailties and vices of the human condition come into play, until it was argued by Hobbes in Leviathan , that the people, ruled by their passions and subject to natures that are all too often plagued with selfishness, greed, and self-interest, cannot rule themselves.
Our Founders argued that given a good education, Americans who understand that freedom depends on the willing fulfillment of duties and responsibilities by virtuous citizens, could maintain a Republic which recognized the right of individuals to govern themselves.
Classical education evolved from the methods used for millennia by the civilizations that developed from Judeo-Christian roots. It focused on teaching virtuous behavior, reading, writing, history, arithmetic, and rhetoric as well as rational thinking over the instinctive emotive responses we humans are prone to. This is the education the American Founders had, and which they repeatedly warned Americans our children must have if our Republican experiment were to survive.
Within the last hundred years, however, the educational methods have evolved from those which empower individuals to those which prepare individuals to take their places in an industrial society. Instead of encouraging every individual to become the best they can be by developing whatever God-given talents they have, we have seen a one-size fits all educational method implemented which has undermined the progress of those most in need of individual instruction in order to equalize the outcomes of education. This not only impedes the steady progress and creativity of society, it harms a majority of our individual students.
Instead of educating our students to work hard to better themselves, our current government educational system teaches them they are perfect as they are. Instead of encouraging reasonable thought, they are asked to consider how they feel about any given topic.
Most parents know how cruel children can be, know that this is simply not true. Being kind to one another and seeking everyone’s best interests are not inherent in every individual. The proof can be seen in the society we now have where a majority of children are born to single parents, instead of in stable families, which are civilization’s way of ensuring that the next generation is taught the virtues, duties, and responsibilities needed for the culture and society to continue.
Instead of business deals sealed with a handshake based upon one’s honor, we now have contracts that set out all the ramifications of someone’s broken deal. Instead of children in homes with two parents, we now have too many children in single-parent homes with government money replacing the time and mentorship of a loving father. We have politicians that lie during campaigns, and vote another way once elected.
The results are plain to see: lowered literacy rates, high school dropouts, gangs, crime, murders, drug addiction, and riots.
We no longer train our children to think rationally, behave virtuously, and protect them from the consequences of lying, cheating, and fighting. We are no longer capable of having a Republic.
Will we hand over our children at ever-younger ages to the government-sponsored educational experts and continue to march towards socialism and serfdom?
Or will we demand that our government get out of the business of de-educating our children and accept our parental responsibility for ensuring their education?
If the United States is to remain a constitutional republic, it is up to us, We the People to ensure that our Nation stops undermining the American mind and the roots of our Republic.
I asked Sen. Cruz about the Trade Promotion Agreement and his support of it last night, Wed., 05/27/2015, in Kingwood. First, he reminded me that he has always supported free markets and increasing job opportunities for all Americans. Though the President has made the bad decision to classify the agreement, Sen. Cruz explained that this bill will be in force for the next 6 years, of which Pres. Obama will be in office only 19 more months. Our next President like those in the last century, will certainly need this authority to help jump-start economic prosperity for all Americans.
Below are highlights from the Op-Ed Sen. Cruz co-authored with Rep. Paul Ryan explaining why they support the Trade-Promotion Agreement, Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz: Putting Congress in Charge on Trade:
One in five American jobs depends on trade, and that share is only going to grow. Ninety-six percent of the world’s customers are outside the U.S. To create more jobs here, America needs to sell more goods and services over there.
Thanks to lower duties on imports, the average American family saves $13,600 a year, according to a study by HSBC. But other countries put up trade barriers that drive up prices for U.S. goods and services and make it hard to sell them there.
- If you add up all 20 countries that the U.S. has a trade agreement with, American manufacturers run a $50 billion trade surplus with them.
- …not all countries have a trade agreement with the U.S.; American manufacturers run a $500 billion trade deficit with those nations.
That is why the U.S. needs effective trade agreements to lay down fair and strong rules that level the playing field. Without such rules, America’s trading partners will keep stacking the deck against job creators in this country. But Congress can’t just take the administration’s word that it will drive a hard bargain. We have to hold it accountable, and that is what trade-promotion authority will help do.
- First, it must pursue nearly 150 specific negotiating objectives, like beefing up protections for U.S. intellectual property or eliminating kickbacks for government-owned firms.
- …the administration must consult regularly with Congress and meet high transparency standards.
- …before anything becomes law, Congress gets the final say. The Constitution vests all legislative power in Congress. So TPA makes it clear that Congress—and only Congress—can change U.S. law. If the administration meets all the requirements, Congress will give the agreement an up-or-down vote.
Under the Trade Promotion Agreement, any member of Congress will be able to read the negotiating text. Any member will be able to get a briefing from the U.S. trade representative’s office on the status of the negotiations—at any time. Any member will get to be a part of negotiating rounds.
And most important, TPA will require the administration to post the full text of the agreement at least 60 days before completing the deal, so the American people can read it themselves.
Property rights are what distinguish free men and women from serfs and slaves. It is foundational to the right of free citizens to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Though this legislation is written solely for Harris County, the danger to our fundamental American rights is such that we request the help of all Texans to fight this bill that could set the precedent for more incursions against property rights in Texas.
Attached is TPPF’s unfavorable bill analysis for HB 2536 / SB 980. It supports our position against the bill. We are opposed to this legislation for many reasons, some of which are covered in TPPF’s analysis.
HB 2536 / SB 980
Eminent domain, which is the government takeover of private property for public use, entitles the property owner to compensation, the amount of which is determined via lawsuit. Under current Texas law these lawsuits are most typically decided at the county level. This would change under the proposed legislation, HB 2536/SB 980, to allow the party initiating the condemnation proceedings to file their petition with the district court, when the amount in controversy exceeds $200,000. Under this bill, condemnors would effectively be able to choose whether their case is heard at the county court or the district without regard for the wishes or convenience of property owners.
This bill was written by those seeking to condemn property, putting Private Property Owners at Disadvantage
1. This bill allows those trying to condemn property to engage in what is known as “forum shopping” in which they can seek out the court they think will be most beneficial to their case.
2. The choice of a friendly forum for a lawsuit often predetermines the outcome, and forum shopping is one of the leading abuses in the Texas civil justice system.
3. In 1995 and in 2003 the state legislature passed reforms to address the forum shopping problem, so this legislation would be a step in the wrong direction.
4. This bill is being pushed by a single Harris County commissioner who is tired of his county attorneys losing eminent domain cases in the county court, so he is looking for another way to win by having the option of moving cases to the district court.
5. For years, these eminent domain cases have been handled efficiently and fairly by the county courts, who have developed the expertise and resources to adjudicate disputes, and there is no compelling reason for allowing district courts to hear them instead.
6. This bill would put property owners at a disadvantage in protecting their private property, by allowing those seeking to condemn a property to choose the venue without input from the property owners.
7. Eminent domain is a government action that is harmful to the rights of citizens, so it is vital that the eminent domain process be focused on protecting property rights, but this bill tilts the advantage away from those rights.
8. This bill makes it easier for government to take the private property of Texas citizens.
9. This bill could pave the way for government to take the private property of Texas citizens to build a billion dollar taxpayer-funded mass transit high speed rail system.
Kingwood TEA Party vehemently opposes this bill.
Read more at PJ Tatler . KWTP is an Amazon Affiliate. Buy your copy of By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission with no extra charges AND help support KWTP!
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A Texas-sized Tip of the Hat from Kingwood TEA Party to CM Dave Martin & Michael Kubosh, all the CM who attended , and especially Sen. Paul Bettencourt who fought the Mayor’s and CM Sylvester Turner’s Horrendous Pension Deal for the City of Houston’s Taxpayers!
They didn’t get to have a vote because 2 of Mayor Parker’s supporters walked out to break quorum when they realized the vote would go against her by a large margin.
Thank you for getting Houston’s tremendous pension and debt problems in the public record! Make sure you ask the mayoral candidates what they plan to do about this looming disaster, esp. Mayoral Candidate Sylvester Turner who worked with the Mayor on this TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD PENSION DEAL!
Learn more (audio): 2. 3-13-15 The Amigos 5P by Paul, Ben, & Bruce. Time: 51:10
Jim and I will be at the hearing on Thurs. Mar. 26, all day. If you can get the day off, come out and support School Choice in Texas!
Kingwood TEA Party and the Lt. Governor’s Grassroots Advisory Board strongly support Sen. Donna Campell’s SB 276 establishing universal school choice in Texas.
Every Texas child deserves a chance at the America Dream. Without a good education, many are denied this opportunity. Educational Savings Grants will save the State money, and offer all students the chance to get a great education that suits their needs and talents.
Common Core and other collectivist, multicultural, and anti-capitalistic materials find their way into our classrooms teaching our students to be ashamed of our country and its freedom for every individual to succeed to the limits of their abilities.
A large number of minority students drop out of too many schools that demand nothing except a warm body in a seat for funding. They even suspend truants, rewarding them for their lack of attendance before finally pursuing criminal charges against them. Don’t forget the pervasive inanity of suspending students for eating pop tarts into the shape of guns, while our daughters are taken for abortions without parental consent.
Schools are supposed to be all about the children. Why then are disruptive students allowed to control the classrooms in which students who want to learn are so distracted they cannot, and too many teachers fear for theie safety if not their sanity?
Help us support School Choice. Instead of continuing along the same government-monopoly path, let’s allow parents to make free market choices and let the winds of excellence pervade our schools again.
TESTIFY or Just Attend to Show Support: Join us at the Capitol on 3/26/15 if you can. Testify of your support for School Choice for all Texas children. Hearing begins at 9 am for an hour, and will resume when the Day’s session is adjourned. The hearings may go on late, so please plan to stay if you can.
Call your Representative and Senator today and ask them to support school choice and Texas parent’s freedom to choose their children’s schools.
Rep. Huberty’ Austin office: 512-463-0520 – E2.722
Sen. Brandon Creighton: 512-463-0104 – E1.606
MUST WATCH: Ginni Thomas interviews Ret. AF Gen. Tom McInerney on Pres. Obama’s Failed Middle East policies.